Every Monday morning I am blessed with the opportunity to mastermind with a colleague over coffee. We meet at Peet’s at 6 a.m. - shortly after they open for business. Now that I’m writing about it, it kind of reminds me of that show “Cheers” with the exception that this is the place we go before the start of the work day, also we meet for coffee not beer. However, the idea is still the same “sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name…” anyway, we say good morning to our extended family who are behind the counter grinding and preparing coffee. We place our order, I get dark roast with room for cream most days, and on occasion I’ll order a latte, and my colleague gets his coffee. We find a nearby table where we place our pens and notepads so they’re at the ready. With only one or two sips of that hot rich God given gift that breathes life back into our very souls and reminds the rest of our body to awaken to the opportunities that lie ahead, we begin our Monday.
Our meetings are filled with purpose. We share updates, insights, and we discuss our progress from the previous week. Then, after a brief discussion of last week’s success or character building days we roll into our plans for the weeks, months and years ahead. It could be considered a type of vision quest or a form of awakened meditation. Whatever you’d like to call it (mastermind), it’s an incredible experience. I highly recommend it for anyone seeking high levels of achievements.
This past week I was introduced to a new book called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. It’s a well written book that is designed to take less than an hour to read. It does not disappoint. I want to suggest that the concepts and philosophy of the author’s message helped to bridge the gaps of understanding life’s purpose, but instead I would suggest that its ability to bridge these gaps depends on where someone is at in terms of what they’re looking to understand. In either case, it was a good book to read and it helped to improve my vision of how the dots are connected, so to speak.
While many of us hold daily or weekly meetings at the office or with our colleagues, these meetings may not be the same as a mastermind meeting outside of the office walls. For example, the conversational topics of the meetings on Monday mornings are not limited and there’s no pressure to say the wrong or right thing. Also, we do not judge each other, but instead we offer perspectives and insight. The meetings help us to see and build something extraordinary in our minds eye and we guide each other by helping to work out the details. Step by step we work our way backward in order to bring about the vision into reality. It’s an incredible process that I would encourage others to explore.
Author: Dr. Eduardo Diaz, helping you exceed expectations.
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