I received an email this morning from a Developer I met last year through social networking. He asked if I wanted to meet sometime during the week while he was in town for a few days. We grabbed lunch at Hot Italian in Sacramento. Then, we shared stories about some of the technology projects that he worked on and I shared stories about some of the projects that I worked on. We both discussed some of the challenges we faced in different areas of development and the process we used to meet those challenges. Of course we also did a flashback to the days of DOS and VB. Then we went right back to today’s technology and explored where things are taking us in terms of BigData and IoT. We connected the dots so to speak. Toward the end of lunch he explained that when we first met online a year ago he had sent me his resume and requested feedback on how he could improve his resume presentation. After I provided feedback he applied the changes. Now, a year later he made it to California and he wanted to connect with me over lunch so that he could say "thank you" in person. Incredible!
While it’s not always possible to meet everyone for lunch and have a one-on-one in-person conversation, I do believe that it’s important that we make an effort to get out there and connect with people beyond the phone and computer screens. Casual meetings, a cup of coffee or a game of tennis are great ways for getting to know someone.
On that note, who’s up for lunch? I’m hosting a Free Lunch event on Tuesday, September 13 in Sacramento. It’s from 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. We will be having a guest speaker, Matthew Royal, MarkLogic Sr. Consultant joining us. You can RSVP by going to http://www.meetup.com/Technology-Leaders/
Author: Dr. Eduardo Diaz, helping you exceed expectations.
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